Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Today I got up late (for me) and went for a run down along the canal walk. The lack of cars makes it a great location for running. What does NOT is the stench of manure that has been in the air in Ulverston for the past few days. At one point, I had to stop breathing out my nose, thus giving myself cramps in my side because the smell was so bad. Unlike my Dad, I do NOT enjoy the smell of cow poop so this was a major drawback to my run. After I got back and showered, it was almost 10, so I decided to visit somewhere close today, choosing the seaside town of Arnside.

Arnside is located 1 stop away from Grange-Over-Sands on the train. As I gazed out the window, I noticed dots of white across the marshes. The Bloody Sheep were out in full force! Of course they couldn't have been out when I went to Grange-Over-Sands the previous week. Bollocks to them.

While Arnside is picturesque, there isn't a whole lot to do (other than get hit on by 50 year old Pub Owners/Roofers). There is long stretch of rocky beach that leads to Silverdale (the next town over) that I decided to walk along. There, I ran into two women with two Giant Schnauzers. Missing Roo and Jackson, I decided to befriend them, (remembering to ask to stroke the dogs instead of pet them). These dogs were adorable and reminded me so much of Jackson and Roo. The female was fatter (like Roo) and was harassing the male who just wanted attention from people. The only difference between these dogs and my miniature version was that they were not wusses like my dogs. They LOVED the water and were rolling and romping in it, something you would never catch the Handsome Man doing and would only catch Roo doing if food was involved.

After I left the Schnauzers, I continued along the beach, intending to walk to the next town. All of a sudden, this siren started dramatically blaring. In my travels through various towns along Morcombe Bay, I had heard that the tide could be dangerous. From the decibal level of the siren, and the fact that people started clearing the beach, I expected a tidal wave rivaling a tsunami to come rolling under the bridge. I headed back towards Arnside via the road, all the while expecting a huge wave to come rolling in. I watched for a bit, disappointed that nothing happened. Since my stomach was beginning to tell me that it needed fuel, I decided to grab lunch in this little bakery located in town ( a delicious Avocado and Baked Brie sandwich on fresh baked Wheat bread with a pot of tee). When I exited 30 minutes later, the tide was only half in. Talk about a let down! I really have no idea why the people of Arnside made such a huge deal about the tide coming in.

After wandering through the 3 shops in town, I arrived at the train station, only to have missed the train by 10 minutes, so I went down to the other pub in town (not the one where the old owner tried to pick me up) and had two pints of Hard Cider (YUM!) before taking the train back to Ulverston, only to be taunted by the bloody sheep once again on my way through Grange-Over-Sands.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the dog park on Sunday and there was a minature schnauser (sp) that looks just like roo and was loud and barked a lot and most likely smelled too. It made my head hurt. There was also a massive black newfoundland that was not dtrains momma's dog, but the owner did know riley.

